Tray-type bridge laying cables or wires are the construction workers on the consensus, which is correct. Laying of cables within the ladder type cable tray also seems to be a consensus, in fact, not quite right also categorically provides ladder type tray does not route the wire, which is wrong. First of all, we must find out the ladder-type bridge laying wire or cable what happens when? Due to the rung of a ladder type cable tray there is a big gap between, if levels laid 2.5mm 2 wire, wire rungs down through the holes, lay 185mm 2 cable, due to the rigidity of cable, so cable will not rung down through the holes.
Here on not said control cable, on to VV cable for cases, it of nominal section maximum can reached 300 2, certainly impossible from gap in the sagging, but this cable minimum section also has 1.0mm 2 of, even is 2.5mm 2 of VV three core power cable cable, if level laying in ladder frame type Bridge frame within, also will and wire as occurred sagging, so ladder frame type Bridge frame within level laying cable Shi, only laying big section of cable.
10MM 2 in addition to household use the following wires and wires, but also have sections to the BX-core rubber thread 185mm 120mm 2 2 BV wire, laying the wires even if the level of the ladder type cable tray won’t droop, so categorically cannot route the wire within the provisions of ladder type cable tray is wrong.
If the ladder type cable tray vertical installation, then any cross section of the cables and wires are laid, but in order to overcome the weight of the cable or wire, plastic cable ties cable or wire binding on the rung of a bridge.
Tray selection of designs, can also be level parts tray, vertical ladder type cable tray. Vertically-mounted bridge along the wall to use the ladder type cable tray for easy fastening cables or wires.
Galvanized steel ladder type cable tray has many kinds, generally can be divided into:

FRP Cable Ladder
First, hot-dipped galvanized Bridge Steel bridge outside by hot-dip galvanizing process, applied voltage of less than 10,000-volt power cables and control cables, lighting, wiring and other, for indoor, outdoor, aerial, laying of cable trenches, tunnels and so on. Hot dipped galvanized bridge quality, wide application range, strength, rational structure, advantages such as low cost, convenient, attractive appearance.
Second, galvanized tray, first galvanized to begin, galvanized sheet refers to the surface with a layer of zinc-plated steel. Zinc plating is a regular economic and effective approach to corrosion, about half of world production of zinc is used for this process. Galvanized steel is for protecting steel surfaces from corrosion to extend its service life, in steel sheet coated with a layer of zinc metal, the zinc-coated steel is very common in the market.